Sunday, February 14, 2010

bittersweet CNY...

Just before I came home for the weekend to celebrate Chinese New Year with the family, I handed in an essay I wrote on "The Accidental Asian" by Eric Liu.  (fun fact - he used to write speeches for President Bill Clinton).  I wrote about language, and how it is so culturally connected;  the author wrote about his regrets about not feeling like he had a Chinese heritage because he'd abandoned language and culture to get by in an English-speaking world.  Maybe it was something of an epiphany, as I wrote and thought about how fragile the link was between me and my ancestors... if I didn't do something to preserve it, what my parents know, where they came from, what heritage they were trying to pass on to me.... it could all end with me.

So coincidental that this should occur to me prior to a very traditional weekend eh?

I've been spending a lot of time talking with and catering to my parents from the moment I got back.  In Chinese as much as possible.  I feel like I'm very sensitive to the passage of time, I want to capture my moments with them as I realize I am getting older and sooner to being independent of them.  I encouraged them if they talked about tradition or their own stories, which I don't think I did enough of back in the day.  I want to keep their memories, I wanted to show them I care about this heritage and that they should pass it to me...

I'm tearing up and have dampened the mood for CNY  -___-   haha, well, I am going to make it a resolution starting now, to pay more attention to this, and not to forget how much I should treasure my parents.  They will be like my valentines for the day, since I of course ♥ them  (and the bf is not around).

Do I sound a little more mature today?  :)

So then, here's hoping everyone out there is having a really great Valentines Day (regardless of your status, get yourselves some chocolate, yum!)  and again, happy CNY  ;D  Don't forget it's a day to show ALL your loved ones that you care.


  1. You and I have the same fate on Valentine's Day. Spent it with Mom because the boyfriend isn't around too. Have a good week ahead dear ☮.♥.✮ ☀..✈

  2. Yea..sounds more mature. :) Happy CNY to you and your family!

  3. Hi Kimmy,
    I'm sorry your BF wasn't around. Your epiphany is a wonderful thing. Your parents have so much to share and it will mean so, so much to them that you want to hear it.

    What a great daughter!!! =)

  4. Hey Kimmy! Thanks for entering my first giveaway. I really, really appreciate it. :] Good luck!

    p.s. I love your layout Kimmy. :]

    Katie Ngo

  5. I read that book too a few years ago. I grew up in a half-Chinese family in the Bay Area and went to a high school that was 60% Asian, and so in some ways I had trouble relating to Eric Liu's experience with his ethnic identity, being one of the only kids he knew who was Asian. In other ways, though, I identified a lot. Great post about wanting that sense of connection to your heritage and ways you're seeking it!


it's kimmy



This layout features floweryness :] It is the end of my junior year spring quarter! This layout and header image was completed/edited by myself.
Original image credits: avie

Edited and formatted in Firefox.