Wednesday, March 17, 2010

i'm not good at this.

I was just offered another internship, this one much more intense, time-consuming, and far away from home.  In truth, this internship may be much better and rewarding than the one I've got now (yes, I've only been at this one for 3 weeks...).

But I'm not good at this.  Frankly I'm really quite scared of how it is going to be like, whether I will do well or just fail.  I feel good that it's an opportunity starting me in the face saying I should take it, but at the same time I get very anxious.  I don't feel very secure about myself, and I am sensitive to change - can't handle it well.  This is probably a good transition...?  For going from schooling full-time to working full-time.  I know it's a good thing.  But I can't help but feel like I'm too afraid to make the change.  I'm just so weak of heart.


  1. Kimmy! Change is hard, the unknown is unsettling. Taking that step is difficult. When you are ready, you'll take it.

    They offered you the internship because they see something in you. Feel good about that.

  2. I'd say go for it :)
    We all go through these phases every now & then. We fear getting out of our own comfort zones. Don't let this opportunity pass. Your business is yourself and I believe that this opportunity will be beneficial. It looks like it's going to be something impressive on your resume. Go for it ☮.♥.✮ ☀..✈


it's kimmy



This layout features floweryness :] It is the end of my junior year spring quarter! This layout and header image was completed/edited by myself.
Original image credits: avie

Edited and formatted in Firefox.